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Merchant Accounts For Tax Resolution Merchants

Tax payment is not only tedious but tricky too. There are a number of tax laws an exemptions and everyone is trying their best to reduce the amount of tax payable, as much as possible. Everyone wants to know if they can qualify for any exemption that will let them have little more of their hard earned money to spend on themselves.

Tax resolution merchants and companies are in demand by the people who have no clue about their tax payments and methods. The working class people do not have the time and patience to go online and browse through all the rules and regulations, laws and methodologies published by the government. They take the assistance of a tax resolution merchant and pay their taxes.

Merchant Accounts Are A Necessity

Most of the taxes these days are paid online. If you are a tax resolution merchant, you must get yourself a merchant account as soon as possible to ensure your payments are processed without any issues. You should be able to accept any credit card or online payments for your services. Most of your customers don’t even meet you face to face and hence paying you directly is out of question. Many of the tax filings happen online, the client sends you all the details via Email and you process it and fill all the necessary forms with the amounts filled in and send it back to your client or file it on their behalf.

We can provide you a merchant account in no time that will enable you to receive payments via Visa/Master Card/Discover/Amex cards. We also enable ACH Processing/Check Processing, in case your client wants to pay you electronically. If you require a check drafting facility, that can be provided too. All these facilities ensure your clients can make their payments at ease even when the card is not present. No signatures are required and once the details are entered and confirmed by your client, the payment can be processed issue free.

Have You Been Turned Down?

If you have tried going to banks or other credit card processor, you must have been turned down quite a few times or offered an account at a high premium. Some of these providers will also require you to have a security deposit of a set percentage of your payments. This is because your industry is a high risk industry. The merchant account rates vary based high risk Vs low risk as the merchant account providers have to have a buffer for the risk undertaken.

With us, you don’t require any set up fees, we have no rolling reserve requirements and our entire application process is very simple and quick. The gateway set up does not take much time and you can have secure virtual portals in very little time. Our portals can help you receive credit card and icheck payments, thus ensuring you don’t have to wait for your money. You can now receive your money as per your terms and conditions and there is no need to wait for a physical check or have a collection team to ensure your payments are received.

We Cover Your Risks

In your line of business, it is not easy to satisfy all your clients. Many take help from tax resolution merchants, thinking either they can do away with their taxes or reduce it considerably. When they are not happy with the results or your calculations, they will demand a chargeback. This increases the risk for your merchant accounts as chargebacks are always cumbersome and complicated. However, we have you covered and if you require this facility, just ask for it.

We have multiple underwriting banks working with us to ensure your business is not hit because of the change in tax laws or regulations. We will analyse your business to determine the risk level as the rates vary accordingly.

Domestic Vs Offshore Accounts

We understand the need for offshore merchant accounts even though they are risky when compare to domestic merchant accounts. The domestic accounts are always charged lesser than offshore accounts as they are more secure and easy to handle. You can even use our recurring billing service. We are aware of its importance to your line of business where you need to send out regular bills to your clients.

We Are Here For You

Though your business is considered as high risk, we understand how important your services are for the common man. We want to ensure people are able to pay their taxes on time without any defaults or confusions. This not only benefits the person, but the entire nation too. We want to make it easier for the government and we are ready to do our part by providing you with a well facilitated merchant account. Are you ready for us? If so, please call one of our friendly agents and they can help you with everything.